How to Turn ON or Turn OFF Instant Notifications (Texts / Emails) in D2L for Courses and Student Announcements

Steps to manage your instant notifications (SMS/text or email) in D2L for Courses and Student Announcements:

1.  Log in to D2L  with your StarID and StarID password

2.  Once logged into D2L, click on your name in the upper right corner and then click on Notifications


3.  Then, if interested, click on "Register your mobile," and enter your cell phone number (to receive SMS updates about courses and Student Announcements)

     And if needed, click on "Change your email settings" to update your email address.

    And under Summary of Activity, set the frequency (how often?) of when you would like to receive email summary of activity of each of your courses.  If you have completed your courses and graduated and STOP receiving these notifications, you may change it to "Never."


4.  Scroll down to Instant Notifications.

    To START receiving these notifications, Check each box that you are interested in receiving an SMS (text message) and/or email. Click SAVE.

    To STOP receiving these notifications as well as STOP receiving Student Announcements, UNCHECK all boxes for SMS (text message) and/or email.  Click SAVE


5.  Be sure to Click SAVE after making your changes.  Then, log out of D2L.

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Article ID: 133334
Tue 6/15/21 3:58 PM
Thu 7/21/22 7:49 AM