D2L Quiz updates - July 2023

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As of July 20, 2023: "New Quiz Create/Edit Experience" + Quiz Timing Improvements


Click here for an overview of the updates to the Quiz timing features.

New Quiz Create/Edit Experience

  1. The "Quizzes" tool is permanently switching to the "New create/edit experience" on July 20th
    1. If you're already using this new experience, great! 
    2. If you're not using this experience yet, and you will have quizzes to create and/or edit after July 20th, I highly recommend making this change now.
    3. Watch this 7-minute video for a quick overview and how to "opt-in" prior to July 20th.

    4. For more details of the new layout, watch this 41-minute webinar recording

    5. Refer to the screenshot below for a general overview of the new layout:
      Creation on the left and additional features on the right

Quiz Timing Improvements

  1.  Quiz timing improvements include "auto-submit" when the timer runs out.
  2. Video overview for instructors (8 minutes)
  3. Video overview for students (8 minutes)
  4. Review the chart below for more details:
  5. Quiz Timing Changes Behavior before the Update Behavior after the Update
    Grace Period (available in the Quiz Time Settings) Learners have the Quiz Time Limit + Grace Period. A Grace Period is no longer available.  A quiz is automatically submitted at the end of the time limit.
    Time Limit Exceeded – Allow learner to continue working, but score 0 Learners that continue after the time limit expires receive 0. A quiz is automatically submitted at the end of the time limit.  A learner can no longer work beyond this time limit.
    Time Limit Exceeded – Prevent learner from making changes At the end of the Time Limit, the quiz attempt remains unsubmitted (and the learner is prevented from making changes). A quiz is automatically submitted at the end of the time limit.



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Article ID: 152721
Mon 7/3/23 4:50 PM
Tue 2/13/24 10:51 AM