Media (Video and Audio) updates in D2L Brightspace - Aug. 3-7, 2023

Two major changes:

Change #1: Update to Kaltura Media Player (MediaSpace)

  • Between August 3 -7, Kaltura will be installing an upgrade to its current "player," meaning that the user experience of media in D2L will be improved. 
  • After the new player is installed, individuals will notice a new user interface and new icons for various controls within the player in line with industry standards.
  • You will now find your Kaltura videos under the label Kaltura Media (formerly titled My Media). 

What's changing?

  1. D2L Access: The name "My Media" will be renamed to "Kaltura Media." For example, in the "Existing Activities" menu, you will see "Kaltura Media" to access your MediaSpace account.
    Existing Activities > Kaltura Media
  2. User Playback: The video or audio playback will see a new interface that is more streamlined with industry standards.
    1. "Show Transcript" option appears in the upper part of the video, and will display a transcript to the right of the video.
    2. Picture-in-picture features are more user-friendly

What this means for existing media inserted into D2L using a URL link or embedded as an External Learning Tool in D2L:

  1. During and after the upgrade, all existing videos will continue to function.
  2. After the new integration is fully functional, individuals will be prompted to authorize the new tool to allow full functionality based on their individual entitlements.

What this means for existing media inserted into D2L using the "Insert Embed Code" option:

  1. Media files using the "Insert Stuff > Embed code" option will need to be redone in D2L.
    Embed code from MediaSpace to be copied and inserted into D2L

  2. Note that the Insert Stuff > Kaltura Media - OR - the Existing Activities > Kaltura Media methods are preferred methods for sharing media in D2L.

Change #2: A New "Media Library" tool in D2L

  • As of August 3rd, the D2L Media Library tool will be added to all D2L courses.
  • This tool provides instructors and learners with very basic media functions right inside D2L.
  • Note that this tool is separate from Kaltura MediaSpace, and the "Kaltura Media" library.
  • Click here for a webinar recording (56 minutes)

What's changing?

  1. Instructors will see both "Kaltura Media" and "Media Library" in the Insert Stuff menu, and the Existing Activities menu.
  2. In addition to MediaSpace, instructors and students will be able to make videos from within D2L, which are stored inside D2L. Examples:
    1. Students can record video within Assignments or Discussions.
    2. Instructors can record video within the Assignment Feedback area
  3. Instructors will see a "Record Video" button in various places of D2L. (This is similar to the "Record Audio" button.)

Where can I find this Record Video button?


  1. In Announcements (instructors only):
    Attachments > Record Audio or Record Video
  2. In Assignment instructions or feedback area (instructors only):
    Icons for uploading or attaching files includ a Record Audio or Record Video option
  3. In Discussions (instructors AND students):
    Attachements >  Record > Record Video OR Record Audio

Where can I find the main storage & creation space for Media Library*?

You can create or upload videos directly into the Media Library, for later use in other places in D2L.

  1. Navigate to the Communications menu in any D2L course
  2. Select Media Library

Communications > Media Library

*NOTE: D2L Media Library videos will be available in all your courses in the same institution only. If you teach at multiple institutions, you will need to either download and upload the videos to re-use them, or, use Kaltura MediaSpace instead.

For more details:

View the short presentation at the top of this page, and/or refer to the attached documents on the right side of this page.


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