What's in a Syllabus?
The course syllabus is a document created by faculty, congruent with the course outline developed by departments for each course. All instructors are required to provide students a course syllabus within a maximum of one week from the first class meeting. When courses are offered in a condensed format, the time frame for distribution of the syllabus shall be adjusted accordingly.
The Syllabus Checklist is intended to assist instructors in creating a student-centered syllabus.
- The required content, based on MN State guidelines, should be reflected in an instructor’s syllabus.
- The recommended items are optional but are best practices that benefit both instructors and students. Within each section of the checklist, there are links to a website maintained by the Center for Teaching and Learning that contains model language and resources.
- Each semester, please submit one electronic copy of each syllabus to your dean’s assistant so that your dean can respond to student requests should you leave Normandale.
Steps for creating your Syllabus
Step 1: Review your Course Outline
- Go to the Program Finder webpage to find links to each department's information, including the Course Outlines for each course
- Find the course you are teaching, and review the course outline's information.
- Include the "Course Learning Outcomes" on your course syllabus.
Step 2: Refer to the Attachments area on this page for more info
Attached files include:
- Syllabus Checklist
- A sample syllabus
- Accessibility tips
- Academic Calendar for the current year*
*Note: we will attempt to keep this page updated as each new calendar is available - contact your dean's assistant if you are looking for an updated calendar
Step 3 (Optional): Use the D2L Syllabus Template
For use in D2L, you may import a pre-made online syllabus, and edit it with your specific course information.
Got Questions?
Contact your Academic Dean, Department Chair, or the Center for Teaching & Learning