The new "Universal" VoiceThread - as of June 30, 2024

Instructors: VoiceThread updates will become permanent on June 30, 2024.

To learn more:

Until June 30, 2024

Your Voice Threads will still be displayed in the original version, but you have the option to try out the new “Universal” version through the display settings found in your account settings in the top right corner. (See screenshot below)

From personal menu select Display preferences and toggle the new voicethread on or off 

  • If you choose to try or use the new settings prior to June 30, 2024, your students will also see the updated version (so if you think they are not that technically savvy, you may want to wait).
    • Changing to the new VoiceThread will change your version setting for your WHOLE account – so it will affect all the classes where VT is used.
    • The tutorials that VT posts are using the updated version, so you could post links for your students.

What is changing in the new version?

Voice Thread has been updating its software to make it more accessible and user-friendly. This includes visual look updates and adjustments to where some tools have been placed.

Home Screen layout – filters for displaying various threads

Version Pre June 2024:



NEW VERSION - As of June 30, 2024:



Home Screen sidebar – display of groups and classes are slightly different

You now can display all threads used within a course and have then separated into assignments and unsigned threads:

(New Version)


Comment wheel/fan - Originally placed in the bottom center of each slide, it will now be placed under the comment column on the left

 Pre-June 2024:



NEW VERSION - As of June 30, 2024:


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