Cengage Student Login

Cengage Student Login

  1. Go to login.cengage.com.

Alternatively, use the link provided by your instructor.

  1. Enter your email address and click Next.

If you are a new student, see create-acct.html

Note: Before you create a new account, make sure you do not have an existing account.

  1. Enter your password and click Sign In.
  2. Click your MindTap course.

If prompted, provide your student ID.

Note: If you do not see your course, see how-to-access-dig-products.html.

You are now in your MindTap course.

Cengage Customer Support

Phone Number: 1 (800) 354-9706

  1. Go to https://support.cengage.com.

Alternatively, from SAM, click Help > Tech Support.

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Click Log new case.
  3. Enter the necessary information and click Create Case.
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