What is ISRS?



What is ISRS?  How to access it?  How to get rights? How do I get Training?



What is ISRS? 

ISRS is Integrated Statewide Records System and is maintained by Minnesota State Colleges & Universities. Student Records are housed in this located such as Admissions information, grade transcripts, etc. If students want to change any information such as address, phone numbers, personal emails, they will need to do so with the Normandale Records and Registration Office.   

Normandale employees and some student workers have access rights to specific modules within ISRS for your job functions. 

How to access ISRS? 

There are two things that must happen to access ISRS 

  1. The supervisor of the individual must have developed a formal request (Notification form or an AskUs ticket) for a specific person to have rights. 

  1. ITS will give them rights in AD.  This will show up in their All Programs ISRS-MNSCU Online System 96 

  1. The supervisor will need to fill out a MNSCU form http://www.minnstate.edu/system/its/security/securityforms/index.html and fax it to location at the bottom of the page. 

How to get rights within security rights within ISRS? 

  1. Requesting rights is on the web after the ISRS account is developed.  Find out how to request rights via the MnSCU Help Desk http://www.minnstate.edu/system/its/security/securityforms/index.html 

  1. Once you have requested rights, a on campus Approval Manager will receive an email seeing your request.  They will approve or not your request. 

How to get ISRS Training? 

You can receive ISRS training by submitting a request at the MnSCu Help Desk http://www.minnstate.edu/system/its/security/securityforms/index.html

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Article ID: 73213
Thu 3/7/19 9:11 AM
Thu 7/21/22 1:43 PM