Converting a Zoom transcript to MediaSpace


This article describes how to convert a Zoom transcript to a MediaSpace recording, if the Zoom recording was recorded "to the cloud."


Zoom to MediaSpace transcripts

If you record your Zoom meeting "to the cloud," then the recording will automatically be transferred to your MediaSpace library. However, transcripts made in Zoom are not automatically transferred to MediaSpace videos.

Below are the steps you can take to download, convert, and upload your transcript file to create MediaSpace captions.

First, Download your Zoom transcript file

  1. From your Zoom account, navigate to your "Recordings" tab
  2. Open your recording link and find the "Audio transcript" file, and click the download icon to the right.
    audio transcript download icon
    NOTE: If you do not see your Audio transcript file, it means the file is still processing.
  3. Save the transcript file in a safe location on your computer or OneDrive. Hint: edit the file name to the same name as your meeting or topic.
  4. The transcript will save on your computer as a "VTT" file - this is a specific type of caption file.​​​​​​​
    vtt file download

Second, Convert your transcript file to an SRT format

In order to be compatible with MediaSpace, the file will need to be converted to an "SRT" file.

  1. Use an online converter tool such as this one to convert your file:
  2. Save your newly-created SRT file in a safe location on your computer or OneDrive.

Third, Upload your SRT file to MediaSpace

1. Navigate to your MediaSpace video and open it.

2. From the "Actions" menu, select "Edit"


3. Click on the "Captions" tab

4. Click on "Upload captions file"

5. Select your newly-created SRT file

6. Save!

Viewing the captions & transcript in MediaSpace

Your Zoom transcript will now appear as "CC" captions in your MediaSpace video, and in the transcript that plays underneath the video.

For more information about MediaSpace captions and transcript options, refer to the Center for Teaching & Learning D2L page (faculty only). 



Article ID: 127977
Fri 2/12/21 4:16 PM
Fri 2/12/21 5:08 PM