MediaSpace Quizzes - FIXED error in transferring to D2L Gradebook


Info on transfer update from MediaSpace Quiz grades to D2L


Updated 12.11.23

The Kaltura Video Quiz grade transfer to D2L is currently fixed:

  • As of 12/11/23, all of Kaltura's interactive video quiz attempts are passing through to the D2L gradebook columns automatically as expected.
  • Our testing and confirmation from various other active users have confirmed that this is fully functional.
  • If anyone is still having issues, please submit an IT request - include the name & number of the class, and the name of the Video Quiz.

What to expect as of Dec. 11th, 2023:

  1. You may see new grade items in D2L that were automatically created on 12/11/23.
  2. Automatically-created grade items will be set to "excluded" from the final grade calculation (indicated with an exclamation point icon).
  3. Automatically-created grade items will be set to 100 points (see screenshot below)
    quiz with an exclamation point icon and set to 100 points
  4. NOTE: For the Fall 2023 term, students who take Video Quizzes on or after Dec. 11th may end up with the grade item in the wrong column.

helpful tips

  1. Review your Fall 2023 Video Quiz grade items carefully before submitting final grades.
  2. Review your Spring 2024 Video Quiz grade book connections before launching your class.
  3. Reach out to, or submit an IT request with questions or if you would like help checking your grades.



Contact the IT Helpdesk at 952-358-8181 or using the IT Portal



Article ID: 153864
Thu 8/24/23 1:26 PM
Tue 2/13/24 11:51 AM

