How do I add a course?

You can add courses to your schedule through eServices.  Fall and Spring: You can add full-semester classes through the 5th day of the term. For classes that begin after the first week, you can add through the end of the first business day that follows the first class meeting. Summer: Although there are many different sessions during summer, it is still treated like one semester. Classes that begin the first week of the summer term can be added through the third day of the term.  Any class that begins after the third day of the summer term can be added through the end of the first business day that follows the class begin date. Refer to eServices to find the add deadline for your course. Registration instructions can be found at  Sometimes you must get special permission to register. You will work with a Student Services Coach for questions about prerequisites or holds that prevent you from registering. Registration after the add deadline and other circumstances require permission from the instructor.  After the instructor submits the permission form, you will receive a link to the form (via your Normandale email account), which you must sign and submit. The form is then routed to Records for processing, and you will receive an email confirming your registration.


If you have additional questions, please contact Student Services via live chat or email. 

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