Logging into E-Services
1. On the Normandale Community College homepage (www.normandale.edu), at the top menu, click on “E-SERVICES”

2. On the E-Services Gateway page, check the box and then click “Proceed to eServices”

3. When you get to the e-services login page, enter in your STAR ID (ex: ab1234cd) and STAR ID PASSWORD, then click “Login”

4. After successfully logging in, you will be brought to your Dashboard. Here, you will be able to see any holds that may impact your registration, any action items, your class schedule, financial aid, and any other MinnState School’s you have or are attending.
You will also be able to see the navigation menu on the left-hand side

E-Services Navigation Menu
1. Account Management
- Here, you are able to Opt In/Out of text messaging communications with the college
- You are also able to change your name and address

2. Courses & Registration
- In this tab, you will be able to search for a course, view/modify your schedule, register for courses, etc.

3. Academic Records
- In this tab, you will be able to check your grades, view your Unofficial Transcript, and view your Degree Audit

4. Financial Aid
- Here, you will be able to view your financial aid status for each semester, what your next steps or remaining steps are, view your award by credit level, set-up your direct deposit, view loan information, etc.

5. Bills and Payment
- a. Here, you are able to see your account detail, make payments, set-up a payment plan, and retrieve tax information.

6. Student Employment
- a. In this tab, if you have an on-campus job (work study or non-work study), this is where you would enter in your timesheet, set-up your direct deposit for student employment, and retrieve any employment and/or tax information.

7. Contact Us
- a. Contact the offices that corresponds with each previous tab

8. Campus
- The tabs under this heading will bring you directly to their main page at the Normandale Community College website and this tab shows Normandale’s address and phone number