Forgot your StarID or Password?

If you forgot your StarID, please visit StarID Self Service and click What is my StarID.

If you forgot your password, you will need to reset it. Please visit StarID Self Service and click Reset my Password.

Please note the following password requirements:

  • Expires every 180 days.
  • Between 8 and 128 characters long.
  • Use at least 3 of the following types of characters: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters.
    Please note that some special characters will not work with all systems.
  • May not have been used before.
  • May not contain your name.

For more information on StarID, please visit the Minnesota State StarID Help and Frequently Asked Questions.

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Article ID: 73617
Tue 3/12/19 10:47 AM
Thu 6/25/20 12:49 PM

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