Normandale Community College provides student computers and printers around campus. Due to Covid-19, there will limited seating and social distancing at this time. Normandale also provides WiFi in the Normandale Parking Lot.
Computer Labs & Open Computers
Computer Center / Open Computer Lab - C2190
- The Computer Center / Open Lab has moved from the third floor to the second floor of College Services.
- The Open Lab is located on the second floor of College Services, behind the Tutoring Center.
- It has Windows 10 computers, Mac OS X computers, and printing.
- The Computer Center / Open Computer Lab is open as long as the campus is open. See Normandale's Campus Hours
Kopp Student Center
- The Kopp Student Center has computers available behind the fireside.
- It has Windows 10 computers and printing.
- The Kopp Student Center is open as long as the campus is open. See Normandale's Campus Hours
- The Library has a limited number of computers available.
- They have Windows 10 and printing.
- The Library computers are available when the Library is open. See the Normandale Library's campus hours
Lab Hours
- The Computer Labs and Kopp Center computers are open as long as campus is open.
- Library Hours
Computer Lab Guidelines
- Labs are QUIET Academic / Learning study areas.
- Maximum of 2 students can share a computer
- No cell phone conversations in or around Labs
- No children
- No food or drinks, except for closed drink containers.
- Unattended items will be removed and brought to Lost and Found at the Kopp Center Information Desk.
- The student Code of Conduct and Computer Usage Policy apply. For more information, please see
- If lab rules are not followed, Public Safety (952-358-8280) will be contacted. Staff may ask to look at your ID. Violations will be referred to the Dean of Students