How Faculty and Staff can remotely connect to Normandale resources from home.

Articles (6)

How to Connect to Remote Access servers Off-Campus

You can use Remote Desktop to connect to NCCAPPS or your office computer when using a Normandale-provided Windows computer.

How to Connect to your Office Computer from Home

If you have a Windows Desktop in your Office, you may need to connect to it for access to files and software when you are at home. You will need to have a computer with an Internet connection and an up-to-date browser.

How To Sign into Normandales Services Off-Campus

How to connect to Normandale computers from your home computer.

How to Use Remote Access

You can connect to a Normandale terminal server from your personal device by going to

Technology Recommendations for Remote Learning and Working

Broadband and WiFi internet connection speed - cable speed and bandwidth - at home

Direct Access on your Normandale Laptop

Direct Access allows you to automatically connect your Normandale-provided, Windows laptop to Normandale's resources, such as your H-drive, I-drive, and other campus resources. Direct access is automatically set up for all Normandale laptops.