How to Change Your StarID Password

If you do not know your password, or your password is not working:

  • Go to StarID Self Service
  • Select Reset Password
  • Select one of the options on the next page (Tech ID, Email Address...)
  • Enter the requested information and set your password.

If you know your password

  • Go to StarID Self Service
  • Click Sign Into Profile
  • Login with your StarID and current password
  • Enter your old password and new password into the text boxes.
  • Select Apply in the "Change Password" section.

If you forgot your StarID 

Please visit StarID Self Service and click What is my StarID.

What are the password requirements?

The password complexity requirement associated with the StarID complies with the Minnesota State password security guideline. Passwords must meet or exceed these criteria:

  • Changed at least every 180 days.
  • Between 8 and 128 characters long.
  • Use at least 3 of these types of characters: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters.
  • May not have been used before.
  • May not contain your first name or last name if they are longer than 2 characters.
  • Special characters include characters like these: !@#$%^&*()_+=-`{}[]|\:";'<>,.?/

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Thu 3/21/19 4:28 PM
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